Soulfulwake Policy

  • Students are to be on time for each vocal lesson and required to inform the teacher of any delay in arrival immediately to your coach. If a student is more than 10 minutes late and the teacher has not been informed of a delay, the teacher reserves the right to cancel the lesson (the lesson must still be covered, no exceptions or no refunds).

  • Students are required to cover the lesson fee before their lesson(s). I (Sarah – the owner), will set up automatic payments for the agreed upon amount, which will hit each month.

    Payments do not discontinue for any reason other than submitting the official cancelation form.  Read more details under: “Termination of Vocal Lessons/Changing Frequency to Less”. 

  • If your payments fail or hit more than a day or 2 late (without informing Sarah), there may be a small late fee deducted of $25.

  • We require notice at the 1st of the month, to terminate or change to a lesser frequency, into the following month.  (We are a subscription based  company).  

    If you do not cancel or request to change frequency by the 1st day of the month, you will be charged the same fee for the next month.

    Cancel June 1st, July will not be charged. Cancel past June 1st, you will be charged for July and your lessons will be officially terminated in August.

    Adding a few extra sessions that month: We do not need notice if you want to add a few extra sessions here or there – we understand auditions may come up, or you are enjoying the sessions so much, you just want more that month! Please inform your coach of the # of extra sessions, so Sarah can add on the extra fees to enjoy those.

  • We require students to give 24-hour notice (before a vocal lesson) to inform your teacher for your need to reschedule.  You will always be charged the reoccurring payment regardless of: emergency, sickness, vacation, or missed sessions.

    If you give last minute or day of notice: We ONLY guarantee one makeup lesson once every 3 months for emergency or special circumstances only (must provide documentation proof of illness). 

    Makeups expire based on coaches’ availability.  If a student is not able to make a makeup lesson within 1 month (unless given the OK by your coach or Sarah Elisabeth), you will lose that makeup (Reminder: no refunds are offered under any circumstances).

    (If a student consistently wants to reschedule last minute, we reserve the right to let that student go within the allotted time allowed (1st of the month, to discontinue into the following), or ideally, discuss moving that student to a less popular time). Please be respectful of our time and schedule sessions when you are for sure available.

    If makeups are abused within the 24 hour rule, your coach has the right to minimize the makeups offered based on their availability.

  • To officially cancel, you must formally submit your cancelation form by clicking HERE

    If this form is not submitted, you will not be officially canceled.  An email/phone or text msg will not suffice, as things can be misconstrued.

  • We do not offer refunds under any circumstances. It is the students responsibility to keep track of missed sessions and when you have scheduled a session.  

    Emergency situations must be discussed with Sarah directly. If you are inconsistent in your availability, please consider this before starting, or discuss with Sarah on whether she can create a custom plan to fit your needs.  

  • We genuinely care about every one of my students and desire to have them succeed beyond their expectations. Please come to each vocal lesson with respect for the time and effort that is put into each lesson. Having a positive and bright outlook on each lesson will improve your experience as well as your overall vocal progress.