Abigail has been one of Sarah Elisabeth’s clients for over 2 years. Here is an update on the progress she experienced in less than 6 months.
Since working with Sarah, she has expanded her range by a full octave! She is also experiencing improved pitch, vocal agility, control and a much more effortless quality to her sound.
So proud of her! An updated video may be posted in the future. Stay tuned!
Testimonial of Sarah’s long term client Jenna (5 + years of being her student) describing her expertise on teaching this specialized vocal technique.
Mia’s Testimonial - Why she loves Soulfulwake and won’t go anywhere else for vocal health and progress!
Anupa’s vocal progress working with Sarah (owner of Soulfulwake).
We are so proud of how far she’s come already.
Sofia’s vocal progress working with Sarah (owner of Soulfulwake).
Before and After - 14 year old Rebecca
Progress so far working with Sarah (owner of Soulfulwake).
Client’s Before and After Progress - she continues to work with one of Soulfulwake’s coaches (Jessica).
Out of network? She offers virtual sessions as well!
Jessica is one of our incredibly gifted vocal teachers - she produces results each and every session! Book an assessment with us today to be fit with her.